Marketing site design and development for Acceldata

This website showcases Acceldata's products and gives their marketing team a hub for adding blog posts, case studies, resources, and other content.

Screenshot from Acceldata's website

The project

Acceldata wanted to migrate their marketing site from Wordpress to Webflow to allow for a more fresh design and more flexibility to add content that would engage their target audience. This site features beautiful pages about Acceldata's products and also provides a hub for blog posts, white papers, case studies, webinars, and more!

Client testimonial

"We were fortunate to discover Carly during our search for a Webflow developer. Carly is not only competent, but also easy to work with. She designed and built a professional looking website for us that met our timeline and budget." - Peter Nguyen, Acceldata

View the site
Disclaimer: Due to the nature of marketing websites, you may see changes on the current live site versus what is shown in this portfolio. Sometimes, even entire rebrands take place and a site changes drastically. I actively work with most of my clients to maintain their sites over time. Clients also may have access to make changes to their sites without my help. I cannot guarantee that every change on a site in this portfolio over time is done by me or recommended by me.

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